Monday 11 August 2008

Olympics Medal Table - Day 3

At the end of Day 3 (August 11th), here is the updated total medal table for the Beijing Olympic Games 2008.

Medals Table sorted by total number of medals won:
14 China
12 USA
8 South Korea; Italy
6 Russia
5 Australia; France
4 Japan; North Korea
3 UK; Netherlands
2 Czech Rep.; Spain; Finland; Germany; Cuba; Brazil; Indonesia
1 Azerbaijan; India; Romania; Thailand; Austria; Colombia; Hungary; Norway; Slovakia; Sweden; Turkey; Vietnam; Zimbabwe; Algeria; Argentina; Belarus; Croatia; Georgia; Switzerland; Tajikistan; Taiwan; Uzbekistan

Medals Table sorted by number of Gold, Silver, then Bronze medals won:
1 - (9 Gold. 3 Silver, 2 Bronze) China
2 - (4G, 4S) South Korea
3 - (3G, 4S, 5B) USA
4 - (3G, 3S, 3B) Italy
5 - (2G, 3B) Australia
6 - (2G, 2B) Japan
7 - (2G, 1B) UK
8 - (2G) Czech Rep.
9 - (1G, 1S, 1B) Netherlands
10 - (1G, 1B) Spain, Finland
11 - (1G) Azerbaijan, India, Romania, Thailand
12 - (4S, 2B) Russia
13 - (3S, 2B) France
14 - (1S, 3B) North Korea
15 - (1S, 1B) Cuba, Germany
16 - (1S) Austria, Colombia, Hungary, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Vietnam, Zimbabwe
17 - (2B) Brazil, Indonesia
18 - (1B) Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Croatia, Geogria, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Uzbekistan

Click here for the latest medal table update.